Port X Depth for Optional In-Port Valves***
SAE 4 X .58
*Support capacities are listed at 5,000 psi maximum operating pressure. Support capacities for other pressures must be determined by consulting the capacity graph.
** Return Position Sensor should be used to monitor retracted position only and not plunger advance or plunger lock.
*** In-Port flow control requires the use of manifold mount ports.
US Patent No. 8,444,128
All dimensions are in inches.
* Plunger stroke "B" is the available work zone of the plunger. The work piece must be positioned inside this window to prevent part ejection.
** Shuttle Stroke "C" is the stroke the shuttle travels to position the work support plunger relative to the work piece.
*** The difference between "C" and "B" (C-B) equals the minimum distance the plunger is below the work piece in the retracted position.
Mounting Dimensions
The Return Position Sensor unit requires continuous regulated air pressure. In the retracted position, air pressure will build in the system to the regulated set pressure. An air logic switch detects the “retracted” pressure condition and signals the controller that work supports have retracted. When the work support extends, the internal check opens and air vents from the device. The system air pressure falls to the “extended” preset pressure and an air logic switch resets. When the support retracts, the internal check closes and air pressure again builds to the regulated value. The air pressure switch detects “retracted” pressure and again signals the controller that the device is in the retracted position.